Are you ready to make some waves in the dynamic world of Live Sound?


If you are serious about transforming your passion for audio into a successful career, this is your unique opportunity to be mentored by industry veteran- Michelle Sabolchick.

Gain access to insider insights, time-tested techniques, and a wealth of knowledge that can't be found in textbooks.

Building success and longevity in the world of concert sound is about more than just having the technical skills, it’s about understanding how the industry works, how to build the right connections, and how to navigate the unconventional lifestyle of a touring professional.  

Why choose to work with Michelle?

With over three decades of experience in the live sound industry, Michelle Sabolchick has been the sound engineer for renowned artists and bands across the globe, from small venues to stadiums. Her extensive experience and her work across diverse musical genres sets her apart as a mentor, possessing a unique perspective of not only the intricacies of mixing but the industry itself.

As one of the foremost women touring FOH Engineers, Michelle's journey epitomizes resilience, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, qualities she instills in her mentees. She has been an advocate for women in audio, beginning her career when there were few women in live sound and even fewer on tour.  After successfully navigating  a male dominated industry to rise to the top of her field, Michelle co-founded to empower the next generation of women in audio.

Individual Mentoring

Work with Michelle 1-on-1

Designed to clarify your goals and develop a strategy to build a successful career. 

This is a 6 month commitment.

Pathways to Pro Audio is not a one-size-fits-all program.

We will be working together to design a plan of action specific to YOU and YOUR goals.

You'll receive:

  • A fully individualized program tailored to your needs and goals.
  • 6- 1 Hour monthly 1-on-1 calls with Michelle.  We will discuss where you are and where you want/need to be. Each call will include an instructional session and discussion about your challenges, goals and concerns.  I'll give you actionable steps you can take to move toward your goals and answer any questions you have.
  • Recordings of all live sessions.
  • Direct access to Michelle via email for advice with any challenges or concerns that arise between calls.
  • Real-world knowledge from my professional experience in the business.  I'll share what works and what doesn't work, best practices, and invaluable industry insights.

Spots are very limited and this is a significant investment, so let's talk and make sure you are a good candidate.  Use the link below to schedule a free Clarity Call. 



Josiah Walehwa- Singer/Songwriter and Producer

"Working with Michelle is one of those experiences that is hard to put into words... it has been one of those moments that you understand that there are actually people out there who will care about you beyond what they can benefit back.
She is 100% zoomed into where you’re at, what you need, and working with you and talking with you on how to get to the next place. She’s 100% focused on you…

I 100% think that it is not only necessary to find a mentor to succeed, I think it’s vital to find a mentor to succeed. This mentorship to me feels like thing that catapulted me into what I am currently doing and the direction that my life is currently going which has affected so much positively not just for my life but for my wife’s life and the people around me who I can now guide and help….
This was the foundation for all of the things that I am now a part of."


Beckie Campbell- FOH Engineer and PM for Indigo Girls.

"I have known Michelle since the early 2,000s…I think…. and she’s helped me in my career by….one, always being there to ask questions and bounce ideas off of, two, being super knowledgeable about audio and the touring industry, and the ability to know what I need to learn and do, and, three, allowed me to ask the “stupid” questions without feeling like I was an idiot. 

I worked for years and years trying to break into the touring industry and Michelle helped me along the way and has always been there to encourage me, help me network, and learn the things I still don't know. I of course have to do my part, listen, take critique, and apply my new knowledge. It’s a process, but having Michelle in my corner and as a mentor has helped me feel confident, apply my new skills, and further my career.  

Learning from someone who has done it successfully for years is the best thing you can do to further your career and Michelle is a deep well of information. You won't be sorry that you took her training and mentorship programs, and I would encourage you to learn all she has to offer! I’m proof of being mentored by her works! "

Daniela Seggewiss- Monitor Engineer and RF tech - Opeth, Baby Metal and others. 

"For me, Michelle has been at the end of a phone, email or text…whether I had a technical question or more often struggled with the business or lifestyle side of things.  She was always able to calm my thoughts, give great advice, or point me to the right direction because from experience, she knew exactly what I was going through."


Jim Pettinato- Production Manager Trans-Siberian Orchestra and others

I have known Michelle since 1992 when we worked together on Spin Doctors, her first tour. We have worked together on many, many tours since then. I had the opprtunity to watch Michelle go from a young, talented engineer with very little touring experience to the seasoned pro she is now.
In addition to Michelle’s really impressive audio skills (shes one of my personal favorite engineers to listen mix), she has become a veteran touring pro, a team leader, a department head and a tour member that you know you can very reliably go to for both audio information and also just bounce general tour ideas off of.
Michelle has proven herself to be not only a talented engineer but a go-to person on every tour she does because she is consistently reliable in having 'road chops'. She knows how to tour, how to work with people, live with people on a bus, live with people day in and day out on long tours, difficult tours, international tours.
There are lots of people in our industry with massive talent that you dont want to tour with because you can’t live with them.  Michelle brings both the technical skills and the inter-personal skills that make people want her on their team.
If you are just entering your journey into touring, or trying to improve your level of touring in the audio realm or other departments Michelle is an invaluable resource. 
She's done it all at a very high level. Taken tours from a club, to a theatre, to arenas, to stadiums, sometimes all of those venue sizes in the same tour. She knows how to roll with those challenges and do it as part of a team. The kind of person you want on your crew. I believe she can impart that knowledge to the people she mentors.


Have you read

"Breaking the Sound Barrier"?


If you're considering a career as a touring sound engineer, it's not just a job; it's a lifestyle, this guide gives you a look at what's required.

HINT- It's more than just turning knobs and pushing faders on a soundboard!

I strongly advise you read this ebook before scheduling your Clarity Call.

CLICK HERE for the Free ebook